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About the Author

Mike Pompeii, P.E., is the founder of HomeInspectionBook.com. He started his own full-service home inspection company, Pompeii Engineers, in 1992.

Since this time, Mr. Pompeii has experimented with many different methods and processes for inspecting homes, writing home inspection reports, and seeing what works and what doesn't work while running a successful home inspection business.

Mike continues to share his lessons learned throughout the years to help other home inspectors. He authored and published his successful and proven Home Inspection System in the best selling book "Become A Home Inspector!". Hundreds of home inspectors have started their businesses by following the processes and advice in this book. It emphasizes low start up costs, lays out the detailed processes to use in inspecting and reporting, and effectively leverages the inspector's valuable time and money.

Tailored mostly to new home inspectors, his Home Inspection System can help any home inspector to perform efficient and high quality inspections.

Mike also founded several other popular do-it-yourself products and web sites:

HomeInspectionReportKit.com features an easy-to-use, inexpensive, and very effective Home Inspection Report System that saves both time and money for Home Inspectors. This Report Kit is very popular and is now used by many top Home Inspectors.

HomeBuildingBook.com is a concise guide to successfully subcontracting and building your own new home. Hundreds of people have saved thousands of dollars by using the step-by-step process in this do-it-yourself home building manual.

Mr. Pompeii has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State and a Master's degree in Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech. He is also a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.).

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Please visit our partner web sites:

An easy-to-use, inexpensive, and very effective Home Inspection Report System
that saves both time and money for Home Inspectors.

A concise guide to successfully subcontracting and building your own new home.
Save yourself thousands of dollars by using the process in this do-it-yourself manual.

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